super easy soup

everything but the kitchen sink soup.




what do you do when it's 100 degrees outside? make soup! i know that i am not turning on that oven today. that is clear.  i get out one of my favorite tools the rice cooker, slow cooker, sauté all in one. i sauté a sweet onion, a bit of garlic, a vegan bullion, maybe squeeze some tomato paste in there... and let the rumpus begin. this is when i open the fridge and start cleaning it out like a mad woman. i gather tons of veggies, chop them all up and throw them into the now glassy onion saute... this is the everything but the kitchen sink soup... with some parsley and basil too. i have found, in my extensive research, that the most important part to any soup is the sweet base. and the LOVE. the EASE which helps create the love. i didn't peel any veggies for this except the one yam i put in for more sweetness. sometimes the hottest day can be a soup day. you just never know what your body is going to do when you let your mind go. here is to a hot soup on the hottest day of the year! it might just cool you down....


everything but the kitchen sink soup

aka: yummy veggie soup

olive oil

sweet onion 

tomato paste


vegan bullion








but the kitchen sink!

add parmesan or a yummy cheese if you want!


saute onion and olive oil, garlic, paste, bullion... then add everything else after about 5 - 10 minutes.. add 2-3 cups of water... let it boil then simmer or put the slow cooker on... enjoy beauties! leave a comment below and let me know how you goxxxx



asparagus (cashmere) soup.


try this
pre- pre- 

asparagus soup

1 lb. asparagus/cut/no white
(could be 3 bunch skinny
OR 2 bunch thick)
1 big shallot/chopped
1 clove garlic/chopped
olive oil/butter/earth balance
1 vegan bullion

*fire it up*
prep asparagus 
(see pic)
grab a 6 - 8 cup pot
fire to medium

hug yourself
you are creating beauty
(i will wait here)

1 -2 wrist turn pour of olive oil
add shallot and garlic
let them get to know each other
add chopped up bullion
let thet set in a few minutes
add asparagus
add 4 cups of water or so
boil to low
lid on
timer on 
(30 minutes or less)

can't wait for it to cool? 
have a million things to do? 

let it stay there
blend later
add a 3 minute egg

enjoy beauties

i want to FEED you!
come to my kitchen
what's a miracle?