hi from motherhood.

- eating too much goat dairy

- feeling like i have no time

- maintenance feels good

- 1st grade is sweet

- i am a dancer

- we vowed to change the patterns from which we came

- motherhood was not valued as a life changing job

- redefining motherhood

- conversations inside my body

- i love my body

- i love my babies bodies

- ready to let the intense stress go

- loving the

 first scent of soup meandering about the house, in and out of corners, stirring up my desire to write words down

- looking at the clock: a killjoy on my insatiable hunger

- learning to trust

- taking more showers

- trying to let go of heartache

- drinking (a little

) more water

- loving me some rose with an accent over the e

- grateful for the figs from the post manxxxx