kitchen healing begins with reconnecting to the heart of our home, our body, our story. the initial consultation is about 1.5 hours. jules checks in with the heartbeat of the home to hear and see what is happening inside; inside you, the kitchen and the family/home dynamic (or kitchen culture). the stories are layered and can vary from the actual space being a problem to the ability to nourish inside the schedule, the tools, the cooking, the emotional pain, the resistance, the exhaustion, the needs, the wants, the values and more. jules' intention in this work is to create a kitchen that inspires you, a space you love and want to spend a lot of time in to nourish yourself and your family. she believes in a kitchen that reflects your values, de-whelms your experience and supports you in nurturing your dreams. jules turns on the fire to transform all that craves to be nourished in your life. whether you are yearning to feed your family or you want to manifest one, it starts in the kitchen. the healing process, depending on the size of your kitchen and your story, is about 1-2 weeks. jules works inside your schedule, making it doable & fun. jules brings a lightness to this process with her natural comedic approach and her ability to hold a tender & sacred space for her clients. to book a consultation, use the form below...